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Clean up your diet and get more sleep. With these 2 changes in your life. I guarantee your skating will improve as well as your health and well being!

 ­­– Nick Dompierre


This is a series of ground-breaking NBD interviews with different pros. We’ll be exploring a somewhat unexplored territory in the world of skateboarding interviews with the purpose of uncovering the secrets to their skating, off their boards. We’ll find out if professional skateboarders really do eat nothing but burritos, how the older pros keep on going when really their 4 wheels should be attached to a chair instead of a board. We’ll find out whether they stretch, if they have a secret star-jump routine, or maybe we’ll find out that they just do nothing at all. Either way, we’ll be entering an untouched area of the skate world to find answers to questions that have almost never been asked.



Gratitude, ice baths and why there's nothing better than skateboarding | The Adelmo Jr. Interview

Apr 24, 2024

Gratitude, ice baths and why there's nothing better than skateboarding | The Adelmo Jr. Interview

You know those people that just radiate good vibes and make you think, "damn, this guys know something I don't!" Well, that's Adelmo. From ice baths, learning and committing to tricks, to why gratitude is so important. You'll get a LOT from this interview.

The Aaron JAWS Homoki interview

Sep 12, 2021

The Aaron JAWS Homoki interview

In this exclusive interview with The Daily Push, Aaron JAWS Homoki goes over how to overcome fear, skating the Lyon 25, how he recovers from heavy sessions and much more!

skateboardphysio | street league & the importance of rehab

Apr 24, 2019

skateboardphysio | street league & the importance of rehab

Skateboardphysio talks about his experience as the on-site physiotherapist at Street League for the dutch national team, along with some essential physio knowledge.

Sebo Walker | van life, tumeric shots, and everything in between.

Dec 29, 2018

Sebo Walker | van life, tumeric shots, and everything in between.

Check out Sebo's interview and get a blast of positive vibes through his words. Sebo's the man on and off the board.

Nick Dompierre | broken necks, bodybuilding & progression.

Oct 31, 2017

Nick Dompierre | broken necks, bodybuilding & progression.

Nick gets deep into his life threatening injuries and how his massive lifestyle changes have benefited his skating.

Mastering Skateboarding with Douwe Macaré: Pro Techniques to Progress FAST

Feb 19, 2024

Mastering Skateboarding with Douwe Macaré: Pro Techniques to Progress FAST

Douwe shares techniques to overcome fear, get consistent, how to stay calm in competitions, how to approach tricks and when to walk away to avoid getting injured and much more.

The Fernan Origel interview

Jul 5, 2021

The Fernan Origel interview

Fernan breaks down the reality behind how to actually progress with skating and if you're looking for a quick fix, you probably won't like the answers. If you're looking for how to genuinely get better, then this interview is for you!

Enzo Cautela & his mum | a pro-skater and a pro-nutritionist

Mar 23, 2019

Enzo Cautela & his mum | a pro-skater and a pro-nutritionist

In this one Enzo & his mum, Tori, talk about the impact nutrition has on skateboarding, along with some solutions to sort skateboarder's diets; what Tori says are some of the worst shes seen.

 Dr Kyle Brown | recover fast, prevent re-injury, & heal a handrail sack.

Feb 5, 2018

Dr Kyle Brown | recover fast, prevent re-injury, & heal a handrail sack.

One of the world's greatest skate physios reveals info and secrets that all skaters looking to skate for as long as possible need to know.

Progress through having fun, overcoming fear & much more | Enrique Lorenzo interview 2024

Jan 22, 2024

Progress through having fun, overcoming fear & much more | Enrique Lorenzo interview 2024

Enrique goes deep into his methods around progression, consistency, overcoming fear, and why having fun when you skate is so important! There's a lot of wisdom in this interview and a bunch of things you can start applying to improve your own skating from day one.

Wade DesArmo | "the stigmas around it are so braindead it's insane"

Apr 1, 2021

Wade DesArmo | "the stigmas around it are so braindead it's insane"

Wade is one of the biggest G's in the game and he does a lot off his board to stay on point. He's the perfect example of how a healthy lifestyle can blend easily into the skate lifestyle.

Yaje Popson | "You're It"

Mar 12, 2019

Yaje Popson | "You're It"

From self-healing, to psychedelic plant medicines, the long-awaited secret to his "liquid legs", skateboarding as meditation, and much more, this one covers all those topics you won't usually find in a skateboarding interview...

 Walker Ryan | ice baths, Asian pain pastes, & Downton Abbey.

Nov 28, 2017

Walker Ryan | ice baths, Asian pain pastes, & Downton Abbey.

From ice baths to stretching, find out what Walker does off his board to stay on point.

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Progress through having fun, overcoming fear & much more | Enrique Lorenzo interview 2024


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